Friday 2 May 2014

Postcard swap

My niece Lisa Lee, signed me up for  iHanna's postcard swap
so we had to make 10 postcards, any way, any how, after thinking for a bit, I decided that I would
just hand draw mine, a little boring to some maybe with all the wonderful mixed media out there :)
I mentioned in a previous post that I had not drawn in a long time, so I thought this would be a great
opportunity to get some practice in!
I decided to do a fairy theme, I mean who doesn't like fairies, right? lol and then to finish them off I
added a fairy quote to each of them.
I got my 10 addresses a couple days ago, and I have 9 addresses in the USA and 1 in The Netherlands.
I am still finishing up a few bits on the last couple so I decided that I would send 5 today and will send the next 5 on monday.
Here are the first five that are already on their way to their recipients...who will they be???
I will be back to share the other 5 as soon as I have finished them.
* EEk sorry, I forgot to take a photo of the last 5 before sending...Sorry!

Meanwhile, why not pop on over HERE to see what everyone else has made in this swap...

                                                     Thanks for stopping by
                                                          Happy creating!
                                                              Peta xoxo


  1. What a nice niece you have! Love these postcards, thanks for sharing them with us and taking the time to join the swap, it must have taken you for ever to draw all these cuties. :-)

  2. These are all awesome !! I love that you put a qouet on each one that went well with each fairy ! Ah so mystical magical and beautiful x

  3. well im popping back in to comment again because I received one of your beautiful postcards *not pictured here *! and I love it! so much details in tinks eyes amazing.well done I will be posting on my blog and you can take the photo if you want..
    hugs xo
