Saturday, 19 July 2014

Unicorn Fairy

Another of Tams workshops is the awesome M3-Magical Mythical Makings,  a 5 week course offering some Amazing tutorials. Wk 5 is about Fairies and Unicorns...something I really love!!!!!
So here is my effort, I stayed with graphite pencils as I really liked the look, but I think I will do another and colour it later.

If you want to check out Tam awesome workshops, click HERE

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Crafting!
Peta xoxo

Fab Faces

I joined a few of Tam's workshops over at Willowing & Friends and have been skipping between classes to do lots of different tutorials
One of her workshop groups is Fabulous Faces, which offers 6 weeks of tutorials that help you to draw some pretty amazing faces. Tam breaks everything down and her tutorials are very easy to follow...even if you have never drawn before.
So anyway, I just started wk 1, and the first tutorial is focused on producing a front facing portrait, using graphite pencils, so following her tutorial, here is how mine turned out...

I am pretty happy with hoe she turned out, what do you think?

Thanks for stopping by
Happy crafting
Peta xoxo