Sunday, 30 March 2014

Easter bag

Another supercute pattern from Tone Finnangers collection, this little easter bag will be perfect for my daughter this easter....sshhhh dont tell lol.

Drawstring bag

I found the pattern for this bag in Janelle Wind's book "Pieces of Me". I hand appliqued the design using scraps of fabric from my stash.


Lisa Lee from Sprouting creative wings got me into Tone Finnanger some time ago and I have made a few dolls and other items from her books, this one is the pixie doll and here is her Reindeer friend

and also some cute little birds from the same book

Saturday, 29 March 2014


Just thought I'd share some of the cards that I have made...

Art doll

Here is a doll that I made for a lady in South Australia for an Art Doll swap...

another attempt at Juniper

This time I used 2 of the Juniper plants and wired them to look like 5 seperate trees, kind of a mini forrest effect...not sure if I quite achieved anything like that lol, but I liked how it turned out and who know in a few years it might look great.
I also had a go at another single Juniper tree for my niece for her birthday, I did break a large branch so this one eneded up smaller that I had hoped but she like it anyway, I foind a cute little fisherman to complete the scene

First attempts at wiring Juniper

I brought a few juniper plants so that I could have a go at wiring them to create the shape I wanted and
hopefully create something that looks more like a tree. They pretty much all looked similar to the one in the pic above at the beginning.
After a little thought and lots of pruning top and bottom, and jumping in the deep end and just having a go at wiriring, even though it looks a little messy I was quite happy with my end result.
I chose a small round bonsai dish and added more gravel in blue and brown, hoping for a water scene and the perfect rock to top it off, I found some more moss to balance out the look too.

Fairy Lantern

I picked up this lantern, empty, from Kmart for the bargain price of $3 and I thought hmmm
maybe I could make a mini fairy garden I brought some little indoor plants and soil,
added a fairy and viola, instant little fairy garden, it took all of 5 mins to create.
The door can be open or closed with a latch.


In my last post I mentioned that I had been raiding the discount isle of my local nursery
I found a small Boxus that needed a little attention so after a good trim and some TLC I planted
it into a bonsai pot with good quality bonsai potting mix and some rocks and gravel to give the appearance of a water scene, added some moss for grass and a lizard and bird figurine.
All in all I am pretty happy with how it turned out :)

The Forever Tree

Ok, so I have been playing with the idea of bonsiing my own plants, I picked up a few bargains in the discounted plant section to have a go. I can't remember what this plant is called but I trimmed it right back and tried shaping a little, added some moss and stones/gravel, small plants and a mini resin gazebo that I picked up online, oh and a cute little leggo tyre to make a swing for my tree.
My 5 year old son absolutely loves this one and he immediately named it "the Forever Tree"